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Watches of Switzerland Group has started selling certified pre-owned Rolex watches in the UK, demonstrating that it's business as usual for Official Rolex Retailers following Rolex's acquisition of Bucherer. The replica Watches of Switzerland Group's American operation has been part of this program since July. The Rolex Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) program enables Official Rolex Retailers to resell watches with a two-year international Rolex guarantee after they have undergone a thorough authentication and servicing process by qualified technicians at the retailer and Rolex��s UK service centre. To prevent involvement with grey market pieces, replica Rolex stipulates that watches must be at least three years old to qualify for certification. Every watch that passes the inspection receives new 'wax seal' tabs and a Rolex Certified Pre-Owned two-year guarantee. The first showrooms offering Rolex CPO watches will be Watches of Switzerland��s London locations in Knightsbridge and on Regent Street, Watches of Switzerland in Brighton, and Goldsmiths stores in Nottingham and Sheffield's Meadowhall. ��We are proud to continue to work closely with Rolex and to offer Certified Pre-Owned timepieces in the UK, having already experienced a positive reception in the US. We look forward to presenting an extensive offering in our showrooms and also online, continuing to offer our clients the opportunity to purchase in confidence and experience our expertise and excellence,�� says Brian Duffy, CEO of the Watches of Switzerland Group. Switzerland's Competition Commission (COMCO), akin to Britain's Competition and Markets Authority, has confirmed it will investigate clone Rolex's acquisition of Bucherer. Rolex announced that the acquisition would require regulatory approval ashleyout, with Bucherer continuing to operate independently under its own name. Responding to inquiries from WatchPro, COMCO stated: "COMCO will analyze the proposed concentration, as it does for all concentrations in which the turnover thresholds for notification of the proposed concentration are exceeded." Under the Swiss Cartel Act, COMCO investigates if the combined turnover of the entities is at least CHF 2 billion or their turnover in Switzerland is at least CHF 500 million. COMCO will also examine "whether the proposed concentration creates or strengthens a dominant position that may eliminate effective competition." According to the Cartel Act, COMCO may intervene if an acquisition or merger creates or strengthens a dominant position likely to eliminate effective competition without improving competition conditions in another market enough to counterbalance the negative effects.